
Open Positions

Post-Doc, PhD, and MASc


The following positions are available through the University of Windsor Outstanding Scholar (OS) Program [Only available to current University of Windsor undergraduates who are part of the OS program]

Budget and Expectations

Please check the expectations and budget page for more detail.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)

In preparation of this section's contents,  a  guide from the University of Guelph has been employed. 

Equity, diversity and inclusion definitions

EQUITY Equity means fairness; people of all identities being treated fairly. It means ensuring that the processes for allocating resources and decision-making are fair to all and do not discriminate on the basis of identity. 

DIVERSITY Diversity consists of the conditions, expressions and experiences of different groups identified by age, education, sexual orientation, gender expression and identity, parental status/responsibility, immigration status, Indigenous status, religion, disability, language, race, place of origin, ethnicity, culture, socio-economic status and other attributes. Recognizing and valuing diversity must be accompanied by concerted efforts to ensure inclusion of diverse populations, meaning that individuals are and feel valued, respected and equally supported.

INCLUSION Inclusion requires creating an environment in which all people are respected equitably and have access to the same opportunities. 

What do EDI considerations look like?

Towards a more EDI-friendly research lab and environment, Dr. Rahimi strives to consider and actively apply the following practices in his recruitment, training, research,  and teaching:

Training Considerations

▪  NSERC’s Bias in Peer Review module;

▪  Online Status of Women in Canada GBA+ training course;

▪  CIHR’s Sex and Gender in Health Research online modules;

▪  Peer-reviewed Gendered Innovations project - develops practical methods of sex and gender analysis for scientists and engineers and provides case studies as concrete illustrations of how sex and gender analysis leads to innovation;

 Composition Considerations